Inspired by visits to Roman ruins and archeological museums, I began creating vector illustrations and mixed media pieces that combine geometric abstraction and traditional renderings. I’m looking to capture the haunting visages within a modern backdrop. Ghosts of Rome.
Boxer at Rest
Boxer at Rest
The Boxer's Face
The Boxer's Face
Prince Attalus
Prince Attalus
Hellenistic Prince Attalus
Hellenistic Prince Attalus
Venus (Aphrodite)
Venus (Aphrodite)
Ghosts of Rome (Personifications)
Ghosts of Rome (Personifications)
Augustus as Pontifex Maximus
Augustus as Pontifex Maximus
Augustus as Pontifex Maximus
Augustus as Pontifex Maximus
Octavian Becomes Augustus
Octavian Becomes Augustus
Faustina the Younger & Personifications
Faustina the Younger & Personifications
 Dying Daughter of Niobe and Pompeii
Dying Daughter of Niobe and Pompeii
Personification of Thrace
Personification of Thrace

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